Can you tell by the number of post about Pike's Market, that I really enjoyed it? Well it is truly an amazing place. The smells, sights, noise and excitement make up this place. Pike's Market was founded in 1907 and celebrated 100 years of service to the public in 2007. Of course it has gone through many changes. Fish and vegetables have always been the main stay of the market. It is a place for local farmers and fishermen to bring their goods to sell in one location. The little fish monger in the orange with blond hair was the cutest thing. She was like a little pixie selling fish. The Chinese dominated the flower market. The lady with the brilliant smile was my favorite. She just kept arranging flowers and laughing. Past generations of these same Chinese people are the ones who completed the rail road. The fresh fish looked yummy. It was really hard not to get hungry while walking around. Of course there were samples every where. The fresh peaches were a special treat. I also enjoyed the chocolate pasta. Hope you enjoy another slide show from Pike's Market. Click on the web site in my photo collection and then click Soul of Pike's Market. You may have to click slide show also.