Friday, July 18, 2008

Sunset Over the Marsh

The people of Shell Point, Fl. are so lucky to have the best of all worlds. We get to enjoy the ocean and the many wonders that it offers. There is also the "Marsh". The marsh is home to all kinds of wild life, from flying, crawling, swimming, hopping and slimy things. Last night I decided to view the sunset from the marsh instead of the beach. I was not disappointed. I hope you will enjoy the sunset with me. Watch how the sun was hidden behind the clouds at first and how it started to fall. The sky can change colors so fast it is amazing. Notice how the sky went from orange, to pink. At the end of the sunset the sky turned back to blue. While the sun absorbed the color. Look at the color of the sun. Click here to see my sunset.

After watching my sunset, go outside tonight and enjoy the sunset in your own backyard. They are just as beautiful. Each night is a different light show.
