Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Glory in Pike's Market

I am trying to show you the wonderful flowers of Pike's Market in Seattle, Washington. I some how got the veggies and the flowers in the Flower Market set. I will figure all of this out one day. I am normally so good at this stuff but for some reason Flickr is driving me crazy. When I get my good buddy on the phone for directions they will be written down word for word. Just skip the veggies and enjoy the flowers. The lovely Peony pictured is my favorite photo. Peonies are such a gracious ladies flower. To enjoy the flowers of Pike's Market click here and select slide show.

Pike's Market

Pike's Market is the most amazing place. I would love to move to Washington state just for the market. My next couple of blogs will feature the market. The market is an active place with vendors everywhere. There are permanent vendors who have been there forever and there are week-end vendors. I would love to go there to do my Christmas shopping. All of the crafts have to be hand made crafts or local made.

The flowers, fish and vegetables are just beautiful. Today's slide show is in the vegetable market. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. You can purchase everything from grains, fruit, paste and any vegetables you want. Enjoy. Click here to visit Pike's Market vegetable market.