Saturday, July 26, 2008

Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves? Do you have any? I have a few and one of them is the expiration date on products, especially food items. This week I was so lucky to bring home from the grocery store tiny little moths that live on boxes. Summer is the prime time for them and I know better. Anyway they thought they would take up residence in my pantry. WRONG! These uninvitied guest did prompt me to empty my pantry, throw away out of date items and wipe everything off.

Some the problems of finding and reading expiration dates. None of them are in the same place, some are unreadable and some items do not have one at all. Are these items good forever? Spices are the worst to look at. Please take a trip through my pantry and one of my pet peeves. Click here for the trip.

Let me know, what is one of your pet peeves? I say one because I do have many.


Debra (a/k/a Doris, Mimi) said...

There is nothing like moving to a new house to make cleaning your pantry easier. I was faced with a similar experience last fall when we moved to our new home. I was amazed by the number of expired items in my pantry and kitchen cabinets. Yikes! I also threw out tons of frozen food items. My pet peeves? Don't even get me started.

Deb said...

Oh laudy! I remember when the entire ant family moved into my pantry back at the old house. I was completely amazed who much food was out of date. Sadly, we whad to throw most of it away. When we moved out of the house and into the RV, yet another trash bag of expired food went to the dump.
As for pet peeves, I hate, hate, hate, wire hangers, boxes of anything opened incorrectly, bits of jelly in my peanut butter and vice versa, anyone touching my makeup, bags of chips or crackers ripped and opened the wrong way, cat fur on my floors, finger prints on my counter or refridgerator...I can go on forever, but due to a time constraint, I will zip it for now!

Marlee said...

Hmmm... I hate it when someone asks you to do something when you are clearly sitting down doing something else and then keeps telling you to do it over and over and over! Oh wait, you do that =) haha! I also cant stand people who look around instead of drive, people who ask me continuously if I am ok or if something is wrong! I cant stand hair on my bathroom floor or for my mirror to have toothpaste on it! Also dont like how the black rug with leopard print around it in my den gets sooo dirty! I dont like drinks when they are made too strong, or too weak for that matter! I am constantly wiping Mollys face off and wish they would invent something to stop her eyes from oozing that nasty stuff! I hate when the bottoms of my jeans cuff up and I have to iron them! I hate how badly red wine stains and need a remedy for that! Also I cant stand that red wine stains my teeth! Hmmm... I hate that when you eat a big meal it looks like you are going to have a baby! I also dont appreciate when radio stations constantly play songs that I like until I cant stand them anymore! Ok... Ill stop there =) I love you, Mom! See you tomorrow!

J. Wallace said...

Pet Peeve = Aggressive Drivers

Mama/Baby-Catcher/KellyJellyBelly/KJB/Wifey said...

I hate it when people don't put their grocery carts away after grocery shopping. I especially hate it when those carts end up in the handicap parking spot. Don't even get me started!