Check out the new
15 years ago
"MISS PRISS FOLLIES" is an account of the life and times of a 51 year old empty nester. Come along and enjoy the upside down life of me. It is always busy and there is never enough time. Please excuse the crazy posts as I am suffering from terminal menopause. Enjoy your visit and leave something fun behind.
I am a
What Flower
Are You?
Someday, dearest friend, I hope to be invited to your beach home where I may sit upon the beach with you and capture beautiful shots like this. You have a wonderful talent for capturing beauty, Chere. I hope you and Freddie have an enjoyable Thansgiving with Miss Marlee. Please give her a hug from me :) I'm looking forward to Scrap Club although it may be just you, me and Skinny Butt Pam. Remember to bring photos of your European adventure to share!
P.S. Have you seen Twilight yet???
Why, what a wonderful shot. That sunset is beautiful!
Love the new bows.
Wow, what a sunset!
What's Marlee doing for Christmas?
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