Monday, March 17, 2008

I'mmmmmmmmmmm BACK

Sorry guys that I have been away so long. Things have been great and also in a whirl wind for me. Where do I start. First of all Fred and I have just returned from an 8 day cruise to Panama, Costa Rica and Belize. We went with good friends of our "Sylvia and Mark Shugart. We had the best time. I got to go through the Panama Canal. It is truly amazing. I will write more about our trip later.

Second, we have workers all over our house. The men from our shop a putting in new windows and siding. The new garage is almost finished. The screen in porch additions is almost complete. The new Trex decks are finished. Fred outdoor kitchen is finished. And the landscapers started today. So far they have cut the phone line this morning and the cable this afternoon. The phone is fixed but the cable will have to wait.

Third, Dusty and I are going to Savannah tomorrow to look at apartments. He is doing so well in school and he needs his own place. We are leaving in the moring. It will be a long day but a fun one. I love spending time with him.

Well, this is just a little update as to where I have been for the past two weeks. I feel like I am rush, rush, rush and hurry up, hurry up and hurry up.

1 comment:

Jamie Payne said...

Seriously...could you two be any more cute? Have fun apartment shopping with Dusty! I'm really looking forward to dinner on Thursday...see you then!