Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Puppy Love

"And they call it Puppy Love!" This tiny little dog has captured the love and devotion of my big husband's heart. This baby is his little "rats", "ratski". She can't wait in the afternoon for him to come home. You can see the love on her face. All I have to say is "Daddy's Home" and off goes all seven pounds of her. Happy to see her buddy. Have a wonderful day.


J. Wallace said...

Is she still eating from the baby seat? I think that's so cute. I love to see a big man with a little dog! Had my MRI yesterday . . . taking it easy. j

Marlee said...

I love this! At least you didnt give her away! Just kidding! Im glad she is so happy with you guys! Thanks for giving her such a wonderful life! She would never be as happy with me and Molly! And Molly thanks you as well =)

Jamie Payne said...

Our fur children can bring us such joy! I love it at night when my boys are tucked into bed so that I finally have time to snuggle Bonnie and Clyde!

Debra (a/k/a Doris, Mimi) said...

You don't even want to get me going about the importance of our fur children. As you are well aware, Kady is Doughboy's dog, Leo is my constant shadow, and shy Dee prefers to watch the world from a discreet corner. They brings us such joy and comfort, don't they? Yes, I agree with j. wallace... I love to see a big man with a little dog!

Pam said...

Love this picture! I love our dog Cassie (lab mix), but long for a tiny little one to cuddle with. Soon...very soon...maybe!

Deb said...

And until you are blessed with granchildren, our four legged creatures own our hearts. It's nice to know that a big guy can be a tender-hearted man to one of God's little animals.