Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Shopping with Mom

What's on my to do list today? Costco with my Mother. She loves Costco. Mom can spend hours going up and down every isle. Looking at this and looking at that. Should I get this or should I get that. We compare the major brand with the Costco brand. Which one is the best buy? Look at how big or how many. The last time we commented that the Bounty paper towels were cheaper than the Costco brand. Two young boys, who worked for Costco were standing close by. One cute young man said that the Costco brand paper towels were bigger in size. On closer inspection, he was right. We all laughed and we bought the Costco brand. I love them. We also elected to purchase the Costco brand of toilet paper. Mistake!! Fred hates it. He calls it the cheap toilet paper and has been going to Kroger and buying Charmin. He sent all of the Costco toilet paper home with the kids. Poor Marlee and Dusty. No trip to Costco is complete without a stop by the snack bar. We indulge on either a hot dog or pizza. They have the best. I will full fill my parental duty of a trip to Costco. I hope I am making points in heaven. I may even buy a few things. Off to Costco.


Debra (a/k/a Doris, Mimi) said...

You're such a good daughter! When we get to be your mother's age, Jamie and Marlee will be hauling us off to Costco so we can wander up and down the aisles looking for bargains. I will say, "Hey Chere...do you recommend the Depends brand over Costco's?"

Chere said...

We will also have your darling granddaughter and my adopted granddaughter.

Jamie Payne said...

You two! I will gladly take you both to Costco in your old age...but that is still a long ways away. I can't step foot in Costco. There are way to many "bargains" and I end up spending a fortune!!! Have fun with you mom...

Marlee said...

Of course we will take you two to Costco! And your adopted grand daughter? Do you have such little faith that by the time you need a ride to cosco I wont have given you any of your own? Not cool! Anyways, I love you very much and loved your comment! Dont get your hopes up, Mom! I am not rushing into anything! Chase is my friend, and we had a wonderful weekend! He is a wonderful person and amazing, Christian man, yes... Now, dont rush me =) Love you lots! Molly misses her grandma! Oh, see, you have a grand dog! And she is a poochie! Ok, gotta run! Love and miss you!